Menyusun Display Barang dengan Data Mining Assosiation Rule Menggunakan Rapid Miner Algoritma FP-GROWTH
Data mining, Association Rule, FP-Growth, Item Layout (display)Abstract
A cosmetic cheerful shop located in the Marelan area of Medan city is a shop that sells women's cosmetic equipment. The owner of a cheerful cosmetics shop is very disciplined in recording sales and purchases of goods. Every transaction is always recorded and stored in the Microsoft Excel application. Meanwhile, the Ceria Cosmetics store has been running since 2015 and has recorded lots of transactions, both sales and purchases. From 2015 until now the data has been increasing, and so far this data has only been a record and stored in a folder on the store's computer. From the piles of transaction data at the cheerful cosmetics store, the authors took the idea of research to utilize this pile of data. One of the applications of information technology that can be used to utilize the pile of data is the data mining technique. By using data mining, a pile of data from a cheerful cosmetic store can be used to find association patterns. And the application of data mining with association rules can use the FP-Growth algorithm. The FP-Growth algorithm can be used as an alternative to determine the most frequently occurring data set (frequent itemset) in a data set. Later, the combination patterns obtained in this study can be used to arrange the layout of goods (cosmetics) at the Ceria Cosmetics store in Medan Marelan.
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